A child born with a cleft palate often has nose defects that create a misshapen appearance. The best way to correct these defects is through cleft rhinoplasty. This procedure is typically performed when a child is young, but adults can benefit from it as well. There are numerous benefits to this procedure that can greatly improve your quality of life. Here’s everything you need to know about cleft rhinoplasty.
What is Cleft Rhinoplasty?
Cleft rhinoplasty is a procedure that reconstructs nose deformities from birth. These nose deformities are caused by a lack of skeletal structure that can lead to septum deviations. It also causes nasal asymmetry and displaced nasal cartilages. These deformities can cause difficulty with breathing. An additional revision surgery may be needed years later to place finishing touches. This procedure is often done when repairs are being made to the cleft palate and lips.
Depending on the deformity, a variety of different procedures may be used to make repairs. For example, a graft may be used to correct the bridge of the nose, or a cartilage graft may be harvested from the ear to reconstruct the wings of the nose. These procedures can improve overall function and breathing, which can prevent the development of chronic diseases and other medical issues in the future. Recovery lasts a few weeks with immediate results that improve over time.
Reasons to Have Cleft Rhinoplasty
There are several reasons people choose cleft rhinoplasty. This procedure can reshape a poorly defined nasal tip, straighten a crooked nose or change the size and shape of the nostrils. It can help improve your facial profile by lengthening a short nose or removing dips and bumps. Cleft rhinoplasty is also beneficial to helping those with breathing issues because of a nasal deformity. Patients who undergo this procedure may be able to sleep better, which can vastly improve energy for daily tasks and help prevent chronic illnesses from developing in the future.
Cleft Rhinoplasty Candidates
If you’ve had nasal surgery in the past, you may want to consider waiting a year before having cleft rhinoplasty. This gives tissues enough time to fully recover. A good candidate for cleft rhinoplasty will be in decent physical condition and psychologically healthy. You must also have realistic goals of what you would like to achieve with this procedure. If you smoke, you may want to consider quitting before attempting to qualify. Smoking can significantly impede the healing process.
A consultation with a cosmetic surgeon will help determine whether or not you’re a good candidate for cleft rhinoplasty. The surgeon will examine your nose and review your medical history. You’ll be able to go over various options for nasal correction and decide what works best for your unique situation.
Cleft Rhinoplasty Consultation
Cleft rhinoplasty is a complex procedure involving various techniques and decisions that need to be made. You may want to consider a consultation with a qualified surgeon. During the consultation, the doctor will review your medical conditions and any medications you’re currently taking. You’ll also be able to discuss your goals and settle on the right treatment plan for your situation. This consultation will help you become more comfortable with the procedure and surgeon. If you have any questions, the surgeon can provide you with information and resources to assist you in making an informed decision.
Cleft rhinoplasty can significantly improve your quality of life. You’ll be able to look, feel and breathe better. If you’re in need of cleft rhinoplasty, Dr. Joseph J. Rousso can help. He’s a double board-certified surgeon who helps patients every day to improve their appearance. Call Dr. Rousso to schedule a cleft rhinoplasty consultation today.